Sunday 9 September 2007

When honey is not exactly sweet

I will never understand people.

(A spate of short messages, summarized)
charm: Hey hon, I'm so sorry - are you still feeling insulted by what i said last night?
Him: Why am I "hon"? Either its a nick I never knew I had, or you sent the message to the wrong person.
charm:.. "hey" alone sounded unfriendly.
Him: You can say "hey-ho", rather than "hey hon"! "Hon" sounds so meaningless now that you explain it.
charm: (amused) first you complain it's too meaningful, then you complain it's too meaningless, I don't understand. Lol.
Him: It was meaningless all along, that "Hon" word.
charm: (now feeling a little rebuffed) Well. Don't mind me for being meaninglessly affectionate to a friend.
Him: Oh, I can feel the affection... like [you] said, some things don't have to be said.

*shrugs helplessly*
P.S. "hey-ho" ?!?

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