Kitchen peons Charm and Zhiyang, up at daybreak.
The priviledged only turn up when the sun goes down, and garden benches come up.
[Edit: Seng demands that I acknowledge the hardwork he put in before he glued his butt to the bench. Seng's satayship acknowledged - But sensationalism calls!)
Cheryl and Siewch. Otherwise described as Pretty-in-Pink, standing in front sweatshop slave driver - see that bag she's holding? That's our contribution to her coursework.
He who claims he can roast a perfect marshmellow.
What did I tell you about being privileged?
Wang Can Cook. Empirical evidence on Zhiyang's face. We roasted mussles with shallots and tobasco sauce!
Delicious Satay lady Qiurong makes delicious satay! Come to think of it, nothing was charred this barbeque. Which has got to be a first.
And here's evidence. (:
Liangwei not supposed to be in this photo! Otherwise, that's Kian Hong and me, trying to look alike.
See - still sitting there!
Seng Yunsong
You know they've been sitting there long enough, when the camera starts to find more interesting angles.
Anyway, look at what this this facade of inactivity hides!
Blatant waste of energy, dont you think? :P
Haha, okay, that isn't entirely their responsibility.
This photo has a long story behind it. Unbelieveably (or believeably, if you know lw and me), this was supposed to be pretty memorabilia for the two of us, to remind ourselves of the day I was his kitchen peon. See, we are such good friends.
Everybody! Notice Myf, Colin, Seng and Yunsong have not been displaced. xD
In the end, I guess this photo says it all.
1 comment:
Haha, charmaine you suck lah! All cam-whoring took place like 1hr before it ended.
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