This is what we made KI tutor Mr M Lim for Teachers' Day. A tuning fork, lovingly mounted on scrapbooking paper and pressed wood framing. If you don't already get the joke, it's supposed to be Hume's fork. And it plays an "A" note, just for luck. Super functional too: it acts as 1) a teaching aid 2) an office decor 3) a conversation starter. We're hoping, in the years to come, people'll sit in that perfumed office of his and go "oh, that's really interesting!" and he'll say "yes, it was from my first ever KI class - they were the most brilliant and precocious students ever." (Well, we can hope, can't we!)
Took the Art teachers out for prata later. But I think the highlight was the card we made them (note to self: get image) - which was a photo of us holding up placards reading: " :) T CHER S tian4" to save paper. And I was an exclamation mark. We were actually quite proud of ourselves. But when the teachers looked at it, the first thing that came to them was the odd colour balance, blur, and skewed alignment. But oh well.
Interesting Fact: The ages of HCAEP community form an Arithmetic Progression. a1 = 18, common difference, d= 10. Do the math.
Got another summon from the International Olympiad community - to be their photographer, of course. (Will I never get a Math/Physics medal! ): ) Spent two whole days working on them, and acquired some really really really nice photos, but $%!@** something happpened to the files and now I can't open them!!!
Also lost some cam-whoring moments with Yunsong and Seng. ):
Sigh. But this photo did make me feel better, after such a crappy day.
It's a little weird being on the other end of the lens, but well, I'm not complaining this time (:
Me, through Liangwei's eyes. (And he HAD to get one of me being a glutton!)
I guess one could say this is my vouyeristic photographer's just dessert.

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