Saturday, 28 July 2007

Some Photographs I Love

Since Jon and I started work on the graduation video (or String Of Photographs, rather, I have no idea why everyone calls it a Video), I - your friendly, voyeuristic photographer, have been dutifully overturning every possible folder on my computer for material. I can't say I've found many photos of 06S60, but I have found some delightful ones (that I haven't already posted lately) which won't fit anywhere. (Photographs taken by me, unless mentioned otherwise, or if I'm in it, for obvious reasons). So here goes. Enjoy (:

Nigel (: I took this photo, which didn't really fit into our Dramafeste needs, so I asked him, What do I do with it? And he said "For you." Strange, but cute.

Nigel again

Waihong and Steve! I don't know who took this, but I love you. (EDIT: Okay, Waihong and Steve took it. I'm wondering if I should retract my statement :P)

Jack and Me (and Ronald's Handphone)

Su and Me, 'yellowing with dignity'.

Brilliant Alfred Seng, for the school magazine.

I don't need to tell you this guy's brilliant too.

Colin, in his Gollum Days, Fish and Vernon.

Tobias, Me, Stanley. I think the blur makes the photo look really cool.

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