First of all amusing things, we've been having salsa lessons for PE (Physical Education) lessons (I know we all know what 'PE' is, but I hate using abbreviations and acronyms without first properly introducing them). The steps are probably too watered down to look anything but thin, but nonetheless still an interesting change from the mud-slinging, testosterone-packed games college PE always is about. Even for a Nanyang girl like me, conditioned during those four brick-walled years to think that every Monday was Chinese Dance day, every Wednesday Ballet, every Friday Ballroom Dancing, and every in-between day devoted to worshipping the school's dance troupe. (You mean there's more to a girl than dance??) But it wasn't really salsa that was amusing, but my talented dance partner, Waihong.

I guess now I know why girls dressed in their dance partners' arms, being whirled all over the floor say they feel like they're top of the world. I certainly did feel like the biggest top in the world. But it was terribly fun! Imagine: the school's bad-boy jock from the prized basketball troop, dancing with the debate team captain, who catches only grammatical errors. I guess that's one thing college life is good for - it brings people like Waihong and me together, and makes friends out of them. But I've always been particularly impressed with him, so I was flattered to be his top for a little while.
I'm starting to get a little sad that I won't be seeing this guy anymore in six weeks' time! ):
Second, I spent a lovely Friday night with Su, picnicking in the middle of the city at the National Museum's outdoor screening of Breakfast at Tiffany's. So yes, sitting on a tiny grass patch by the road, under a "historically charged" Banyan tree, with chips, tuna and grapes is something you really should experience, if you haven't already. I was actually pretty proud of having convinced Su into having a quaint little by-the-way picnic, which I was sure was terribly special, until Liangwei later commented that we were simply being SMU (Singapore Management University) students. Whatever.
I found out last night, anyhow, that Favian was there too - a couple of metres away, no less. He said he glimpsed me - or the back of me, rather, but it didn't register, while Su and I were keeping half an eye out between us in the opposite direction for familiar faces. And we thought such star-crossed coincidences could only happen in Jimmy stories.
But enough of the past, for now. As to the future, Gaby and Charm are planning a lovely birthday (surprise) party for darling P. Join us! Because she's worth it. :P
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