Sunday, 23 December 2007


Christmas is here again!

We've never had a more efficient year of Christmas shopping. You wouldn't believe it, but we managed to accomplish our shopping list of nearly 40-members within two days. We've become so profoundly proficient that we've even managed to use all the old newspaper advertisements as (passably) pretty wrapping paper, thereby propagating the spirit of goodwill AND greenness. I'm expecting Santa to visit me twice this year. I've noticed that the people in my family get great kicks out of ripping the wrapping off their gifts (sometimes I suspect they even enjoy it more than the gift itself), so, being the official giftwrapper of the Han Family, I've padded up all your gifts with newspaper :D (their actual sizes are really half of what you see)

The days leading up to Christmas have not been so unbearably long this year. In fact, this Christmas sort of snuck up from behind and devoured me before I could season myself with Christmas trees and goodies. When I look back on the Christmas of 2007, I'd like to think that it began on the night of the 20th, at the sleepover at Seng's, which set a comfortable mood I haven't been able to get out of. We started the night off at Harry's, and ended it trying to wrestle Seng's dog away from our poor violated legs. My poor legs almost lost their virginity to a jack russel, and I swear the same mutt sneezed all over me. Seng tried to comfort me by saying that he didn't really sneeze - more like "regurgitate its undigested meals and furball"; but I'm not really sure how that's of any comfort.

And oh, Yunsong cooked breakfast. Heh.

It was a lovely morning. And unless something more spectacular happens over the next two days, I'd say that was God's Christmas gift to me - simple and transcient. I'll leave my material needs for my friends and family to fulfil :P

The 21st was spent in the warmth of old friends in Geordie's beautiful house. His parents cooked a splendid Christmas feast! Think turkey, roast, log cakes, baked potatoes, wine and best of all Bailey's Irish Cream. I think I really like watching my friends sit around a large dinner table, eating elegantly in mock candle light. A far cry from the first time we looked at each other, caked in mud, soap and grime, gobbling off each other's styrofoam containers at Orientation. We've grown, I think, and I hope we age like wine.

Then there was Liangwei's party, the almost KI Christmast gathering, and Daddy's half's Christmas party. Tomorrow, Christmas would have truly come, with our annual and very traditional Christmas party with the Tan family and extensions. Tomorrow, my year will be complete (:

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