Saturday, 12 May 2007

Akan Datang.

My art teacher back in Nanyang used to tape "Akan Datang" in a humungously boring font (rescued by the fact that unfamiliarity always arouses interest) all over the gallery between exhibitions. And I mean REAL exhibitions. With viewer-worthy works, sometimes even his own 'real works'. The first time he placed up his Akan-Datang sign, the gallery was in for a major overhaul. I remember, because my aep classmates and I spent a whole day moving, chronicling, and most satisfyingly- destroying artworks that couldn't be distinguished from each other because everything looked like dust. ( My Nanyang AEP days always made me feel invincible - strong enough to move anything in the world, resourceful enough to make anything happen, and garang enough to tackle any dirt/dust/muck/pest infestations.)

But anyway, my point is: this blog is going to be overhauled.

A blog should be pretty, exciting, crazy. But on top of all, pretty. Not filled with words words wordswordswords left unread.


Unknown said...


comments akan datang!

squishyhat said...

that's exactly what I thought blogs should be - pretty!

anyway today's a halfday and i'm getting distracted from IS. your blog is interesting :D